Understanding the Pity System in Honkai: Star Rail

Estimated read time: 6 min

Unraveling the Mechanics of HoYoverse's Pity System

Before delving into the highly anticipated release of Honkai: Star Rail Version 1.1, it's crucial to grasp the intricacies of the game's pity system. If you've played Genshin Impact, you're already familiar with HoYoverse's system since it mirrors the one in Star Rail. However, for those new to gacha mechanics, it's essential to understand that HoYoverse offers a relatively more forgiving system compared to many other games. But what exactly does it entail?

The Controversial Realm of Gacha

Gacha, a topic that stirs controversy within the gaming community, bears striking similarities to gambling. In this system, you use specific materials, such as Stellar Jade in the context of Star Rail, to pull for desired characters or items like Light Cones. Without spending money, the chances of obtaining your desired rewards are slim. Unfortunately, the ephemeral nature of mobile games exacerbates this issue, with the average lifespan of such games hovering around three years.

While some developers and players argue that paying for game updates is a more equitable and morally sound approach than gacha, both systems have their pros and cons. They rely on players immersing themselves in the game world and characters. It's a matter of either desiring a particular character enough to pull for them or deriving enough enjoyment from the game to continually invest money when new updates are released. One approach relies on the psychology of gambling, while the other hides content behind a paywall. In the end, it's a matter of personal choice—pick your poison.

However, game developers need to generate revenue to sustain the game's operations. As a general rule in gaming and in life, it's crucial to remain aware of your surroundings. Set a budget for your gaming expenses and adhere to it. As we say in the F2P world, remember to Gacha Responsibly.

The Real-World Costs

In Star Rail, the purchase of Stellar Jade isn't possible directly. Instead, the game allows you to acquire Oneiric Shards, which can be used to purchase various items from the Contract Shop. However, most players convert Oneiric Shards into Stellar Jade.

To provide a detailed breakdown, let's examine the costs associated with Star Rail Warps. HoYoverse offers a promotional first-time purchase bonus where they double the amount of Oneiric Shards in each package.

  • 6,480 Oneiric Shards: Cost - $99.99, Warps with Purchase Bonus - 81, Warps After Bonus - 40, Cost per Warp with Bonus - $1.23, Regular Cost per Warp - $2.50
  • 3,280 Oneiric Shards: Cost - $49.99, Warps with Purchase Bonus - 41, Warps After Bonus - 20, Cost per Warp with Bonus - $1.22, Regular Cost per Warp - $2.50
  • 1,980 Oneiric Shards: Cost - $29.99, Warps with Purchase Bonus - 24, Warps After Bonus - 12, Cost per Warp with Bonus - $1.25, Regular Cost per Warp - $2.50
  • 980 Oneiric Shards: Cost - $14.99, Warps with Purchase Bonus - 12, Warps After Bonus - 6, Cost per Warp with Bonus - $1.25, Regular, Warps After Bonus - 1, Cost per Warp with Bonus - $1.66, Regular Cost per Warp - $4.99
  • 60 Oneiric Shards: Cost - $0.99, Warps with Purchase Bonus - 0, Warps After Bonus - 0, Cost per Warp with Bonus - N/A, Regular Cost per Warp - N/A

Demystifying the Pity System

HoYoverse has implemented specific numbers and hard resets for its pity system. Once you obtain a 5-Star character, your pity counter resets, regardless of when you achieve that milestone. It could be at 20 Warps or even at the full 90 Warps; the reset is inevitable.

The pity system in Star Rail shares similarities with the one in Genshin Impact and can be divided into two categories: Soft Pity and Hard Pity.

Soft Pity occurs when the chances of obtaining a 5-Star character increase, but it is not guaranteed yet. Typically, this occurs around the 60th Warp, and it indicates that you may obtain a 5-Star character before reaching the 90th pull.

Hard Pity, on the other hand, refers to the 90th pull. At this stage, you are guaranteed a 5-Star character, whether it be a character or a weapon. Once you obtain the coveted 5-Star, your pity counter resets, initiating the process anew.

Event Warps vs. Regular Warps

Similar to Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail distinguishes between Event Warps and Regular Warps, each with its separate pity counter. Currently, Star Rail offers three distinct banners: Event Warps, Light Cone Event Warps, and Regular Warps. The two Event Warps banners usually alternate every two weeks. After two cycles of Event Warps, HoYoverse typically releases a version update and announces the next set of Event Warps. It's important to note that pulls from Regular Warps do not contribute to the pulls made on the Event Warp banner, and vice versa.

Event Warp

This banner exclusively features limited-run characters that are not available on the Regular Warp. Previous examples include Seele and Jing Yuan. If you're aiming for these exclusive characters, this is the banner to focus on.

The event banner operates on a 50/50 system. Once you reach your pity pull, you have a 50/50 chance of obtaining either the event character or a 5-Star character from the Regular Warp. It's crucial to consider that acquiring the event character may require up to 180 pulls, so bear that in mind before pulling.

Light Cone Event Warp

The Light Cone Event Warp is designed specifically for obtaining limited-time 5-Star Light Cones. These Light Cones are intended to enhance the performance of the featured Event Warp character but can also be used with other characters in your party.

While 5-Star characters are uncommon in this banner, there is a chance to obtain some 4-Star characters. The Light Cone Event Warp is ideal if you wish to bolster the effectiveness of a featured event character.

Regular Warp

The Regular Warp serves as the permanent banner in Honkai: Star Rail. The available 5-Star characters and Light Cones remain consistent over time. Each time you reach a pity pull, you will receive a random 5-Star character or Light Cone.

It's important to note that the 5-Star characters featured on this banner may affect the 50/50 outcome on the Event Warp. For example, on the Jing Yuan banner, you may either obtain Jing Yuan or Welt Yang. The Event Warp 50/50 mechanic will never yield a Light Cone but will instead provide either the featured 5-Star character or a 5-Star character from the Regular Warp.

Guaranteed Standard Character

In contrast to Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail offers the opportunity to choose a 5-Star character after your 300th pull. Although this requires a significant number of Star Rail Passes, you can obtain them through character ascensions, weekly challenges in the Simulated Universe, and various in-game events. As of now, I have reached 110 pulls on the Regular Warp without utilizing any Stellar Jade. The early-game bonuses truly go a long way.

You can select from a range of 5-Star characters, including Himeko, Welt, Clara, Bailu, Gepard, Bronya, and Yanqing. During the course of your 300 pulls, you should acquire at least three 5-Star characters or items from the Regular Warp. The 300th pull reward can be utilized to enhance an existing character with an Eidelon or to obtain a new character altogether.

By understanding the intricacies of the pity system and being knowledgeable about the different warp banners, you can navigate the gacha mechanics in Honkai: Star Rail more effectively. Remember to manage your resources wisely and pull responsibly to maximize your gaming experience.

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