Immortals of Aveum: An Impressive Magic-Based FPS Set to Release in August 2023

Estimated read time: 2 min

The anticipation surrounding Immortals of Aveum reached a fever pitch after its captivating debut at The Game Awards last year. Developed by Ascendant Studios, this upcoming first-person shooter (FPS) with a magical twist left fans in awe. However, to ensure that the game meets the highest expectations, the developers have decided to postpone its release by a few weeks. Now scheduled for August 2023, Immortals of Aveum aims to make a lasting impression on gamers.

According to an official blog post on the Ascendant Studios website, the developers expressed their excitement about the overwhelmingly positive reception the game has received thus far. Some fortunate fans even had the opportunity to get a hands-on preview of the game. However, the developers acknowledged that they require a few additional weeks to perfect the game and deliver the experience they envision. As a result, the new launch date for Immortals of Aveum is now set for August 22, 2023.

Although the delay pushes the release from the initially planned date of July 20, 2023, most fans are embracing this change, understanding that it will likely lead to a more polished and enjoyable gameplay experience upon launch. More information about the game is expected to be revealed in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can catch a glimpse of the game by watching the trailer below. Ascendant Studios has high hopes that Immortals of Aveum will make a significant impact in the market, especially considering it serves as their debut title following five years of development.

The blog post further reveals that Immortals of Aveum embarked on its development journey five years ago. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the team of experienced developers, including former creative director Bret Robbins, persevered to create a captivating magic-infused FPS using Unreal Engine 5.1. With such talent behind its creation, Immortals of Aveum is poised to captivate gamers when it finally hits the market.

Mark your calendars for August 22, 2023, as Immortals of Aveum will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC platforms upon release. For those eager to get a taste of what the game has to offer, the trailer below will provide a glimpse into the magical world of Immortals of Aveum. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary gaming experience that seamlessly blends FPS action with enchanting powers.


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