Among Us Celebrates Fifth Birthday With New Update and Collab

Estimated read time: 2 min

The development team at Innersloth announced a new update and a new partnership to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the independent blockbuster game Among Us this week. The Among Us update made some big menu changes and repaired some issues, and social media fans were pleased with the cooperation that was revealed.

Despite the fact that Among Us was initially launched in 2018, it was mostly unnoticed for the first two years. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, many gamers were forced to stay at home and found themselves with more free time to play games and watch game broadcasts.

When some content producers learned about Among Us, sales of the game surged and more players started to understand what the social deduction game was all about. Players who liked Werewolf and other similar games were enchanted by Amid Us, which went on to become one of the most popular independent games to date, thanks to its endearing Crewmates and cunning Imposters amid the space-bound crew. Innersloth commemorated the game's fifth birthday with reasons to rejoice.

With the new content update, Among Us revealed a partnership with Pusheen to add a new Cosmicube—an adorable, decorative charm—to the game. Players may gain a variety of gear and outfits by playing the game by purchasing the Pusheen Cosmicube for 110 Stars ($9.99). A Pusheen pet, a Pusheen skin in its entirety, a Cat Nap cap, and new nameplates are a few of the skins that Among Us players may get. However, the Among Us and Pusheen partnership will end on September 13, 2023.

Players of Among Us who upgrade the game will notice a redesigned main menu when it launches in addition to the Pusheen cooperation. The new menu will contain the same options on the left and a window view on the right side of the screen. On the upper side of the screen will be the friend list and player ID. Additionally, to celebrate the game's real birthday, users who log into Among Us on June 15 will receive a free cosmetic. A stream will be held on Innersloth's Twitch channel on June 15 beginning at 12:00 PM Pacific/3:00 PM Eastern to commemorate the occasion, according to the company.

Although Pusheen has worked with independent games like Fall Guys in the past, this is the first time the beautiful cat-themed company has done so with Among Us. Players will have to wait and see what else Innersloth has in store for the future as the game marks five years on the market.

Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S users may currently download Among Us.

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